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Should I be using Castle Golf Tees in the winter?

Once the game gets a hold of you, you'll find yourself playing in all kinds of weather conditions. While summer offers perfect greens and warm days, winter presents its own set of challenges. Ignoring the downpours, one of the most significant obstacles during winter golf can be the hardness of the ground during the frozen months and the quality of a winter mat, making it difficult to tee up properly. This is where castle golf tees come into play.

Castle Golf Tees in all sizes
Castle Golf Tees in all sizes

What Are Castle Golf Tees?

Castle golf tees, also known as step tees, are designed with a built-in stopper that creates a consistent height for your golf ball, regardless of how deep the tee is placed into the ground. They come in various heights, colour-coded with water-based paint, for easy identification, making them popular for all levels of play.

Why are Castle Tees perfectly suited for Winter golf?

Winter conditions bring harder, colder ground, which can significantly affect a golfer’s teeing experience. Traditional wooden or plastic tees can be difficult to push into the frozen turf. Castle tees, however, offer several advantages that make them ideal for winter golf:

1. Easy to Insert Into Frozen Ground

One of the biggest reasons golfers choose castle tees during winter is how easy they are to use on hard or frozen ground. The rigid construction of the castle tee allows players to place it into tough surfaces without needing to force it in. Because the tee height is preset, you can place it as deep or shallow as possible without affecting your swing mechanics.

2. Consistent Height for Better Ball Striking

Consistency is key in golf, and winter conditions can make it challenging to achieve a uniform tee height. The built-in stopper on castle tees ensures the ball is always teed up at the same height, no matter how hard the ground is. This gives golfers confidence that they are hitting the ball from the right height, leading to better and more consistent shots, even in less-than-ideal conditions.

3. Durability in Cold Conditions

Traditional wooden tees are prone to breaking more easily in cold weather, especially when the ground is rock hard. Bamboo is much stronger, and our bamboo castle tees, can withstand the colder temperatures and resist snapping or cracking, making them a more reliable option during winter months. This durability not only saves golfers from constantly replacing tees but also ensures they can focus on their game instead of equipment issues.

4. Visibility in Low-Light Conditions

Winter days are shorter, and many golfers find themselves playing in low-light conditions. Our bright, colour-coded design of castle golf tees makes them much easier to spot on the course, even in fading daylight. This simple feature saves time and frustration when searching for tees on the ground, helping maintain the flow of play.

5. Eco-Friendly Bamboo Golf Tees

Many golfers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of the game. Our bamboo castle golf tees are made from eco-friendly materials as standard, ensuring that even when they break or get lost, they won’t contribute to long-term environmental harm.

Making the Most of Winter Golf with Castle Tees

While winter golf comes with its challenges—cold weather, wet conditions, and frozen greens—having the right equipment can make a world of difference. Castle golf tees provide consistency, durability, and ease of use that traditional tees often can’t offer in tougher conditions. Invest in a set of castle golf tees and focus more on your swing and less on the condition of the course.

So, next time you head out for a round in the cold, consider adding castle golf tees to your bag. They’ll help you keep your game steady, no matter how unforgiving the ground may be.


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Help us bring Death to Plastic Golf Tees

Our mission is to bring an end to plastic golf tees and convert all golfers to biodegradable bamboo golf tees.


Bamboo golf tees are over 4x stronger than regular wooden golf tees, and will naturally break down in as little as 4 months. Plastic golf tees can take up to 1000 years.


If regular golf tees are your thing, we have 3 sizes; 70mm pink bamboo golf tees for drivers, 54mm yellow golf tees for lower drivers and hybrids, and 32mm blue bamboo golf tees for irons and hybrids.

We also have a range of 5 sizes of bamboo castle golf tees; 70mm orange castle golf tees, 59mm pink castle golf tees, 39mm blue castle golf tees, 32mm red castle golf tees, and 25mm green castle golf tees.

All of our golf tees are available as a mixed box or as individual sizes, and we also offer a golf tee subscription. Simply choose the amount and choose how regularly you want deliveries, and we'll take care of the rest.

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